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Total Car Control Ltd

Terms and Conditions

Payment Terms

  1. All courses must be paid for, in full, prior to the first day of any course. Total Car Control Ltd (hereafter referred to as TCC) will accept a deposit, typically 50% of total course value, at point of booking for courses booked at least 2 months in advance, with the balance payment due 1 month prior to the start of the course. Bookings only become final when the agreed deposit is received. Course dates may be deferred at TCC’s discretion if any balance payment is overdue.
  2. Payment(s) can be made either by BACS transfer, over the telephone by debit or credit card, or via Pay By Link invitation.
  3. Customers wishing to pay with a Corporate card will be liable to cover any direct fees incurred.


  1. All drivers must have vision that at least meets minimum legal standards for driving, or training will be refused. Drivers must be able to read a current style number plate from a distance of at least 20.5 metres. TCC reserves the right to restrict the speed and/or training activity of any driver whose eyesight, whilst legal, is considered to compromise safety.
  2. Customers must advise TCC in advance of training of any pre-existing medical conditions that may affect their safety, comfort or wellbeing on the training course. Failing to do so may result in either restriction of driving activity or cessation of training if deemed necessary on safety grounds, without refund.
  3. Any driver who is reasonably suspected of being under the influence of alcohol or drugs will be refused training, without refund.
  4. TCC reserves the right to terminate any training course, without refund, whereby the driver is considered to present a significant risk to the safety of themselves or others; either having failed on at least three occasions to heed the trainer’s instructions concerning safety, or having once caused a collision or near miss.
  5. All drivers to present their valid, full driving licence on request. All drivers to electronically complete Millbrook’s driving licence form for non-permit holders prior to their course start date. Training may be refused, without refund, to any driver who neither completes the form nor can produce their full, valid driving licence, and whose eligibility to drive cannot be confirmed.
  6. Any costs resulting from damage to property by the customer shall be borne by the customer or their insurer. This includes, but is not limited to, leak or spillage of vehicle fluids.


  1. Unless otherwise agreed in writing by TCC, it is the responsibility of the customer to provide an appropriate vehicle for all training, and that it is fully roadworthy, legal and fit for purpose. Particular attention is required for the vehicle’s tyres, which must have at least 3mm of tread depth, be in good, sound order and no more than 6 years old. Training will be refused, without refund, if the vehicle provided does not meet these minimum standards; the exception being courses in non-roadgoing, track-only cars.
  2. Some of the training facilities used operate strict noise limits and all vehicles may be subject to a noise test. Vehicles with excessively loud exhaust systems may be excluded from operating, so customers with such cars must make this clearly known to TCC at the time of booking.
  3. In the event of a client’s vehicle breaking down or ceasing to operate properly or safely during a course, that day’s course shall be considered to have been delivered in full.
  4. TCC recommend that customers advise their insurance company of training activity involving vehicle proving grounds or other private driving facilities away from public roads, and satisfy themselves that their vehicle is appropriately covered.
  5. TCC cannot accept liability for any damage sustained to a customer’s property howsoever caused.
  6. In the event of a customer’s vehicle needing recovery, any costs incurred shall be borne by the customer.

Cancellation Terms

  1. Cancelled or postponed bookings may be subject to the following refund or re-scheduling conditions, based on the date that the customer informs TCC in writing (email and text message are acceptable, providing they are acknowledged as having been received by the company) of the need to cancel or re-schedule training:

Masterclass Courses*

Notice given before course date


Refund on cancellations**


Fee to re-schedule

Over 30 days



15 – 30 days


£210 inc VAT

8 – 14 days


£300 inc VAT

48 hrs – 7 days


£420 inc VAT

Masterclass Courses*

Notice given before course date: Over 30 days
Refund on cancellations**: 75%
Fee to re-schedule: None

Notice given before course date: 15 – 30 days
Refund on cancellations**: 50%
Fee to re-schedule: £210 inc VAT

Notice given before course date: 8 – 14 days
Refund on cancellations**: 25%
Fee to re-schedule: £300 inc VAT

Notice given before course date: 48 hrs – 7 days
Refund on cancellations**: 15%
Fee to re-schedule: £420 inc VAT

  1. Bookings will be deemed complete, without refund, if a customer fails to attend a scheduled training course, or does not cancel or postpone their booking as described above.
  2. * Each day of a Masterclass programme will be treated as an individual booking should a customer need to cancel or re-schedule.
  3. ** If original payment was made by any method that involved charges to TCC, all such charges will be deducted from any refund.

Force Majeure

  1. Neither party is liable for failure to perform the party’s obligations if such failure is as a result of Acts of God (including fire, flood, earthquake, storm, hurricane or other natural disaster), war, invasion, act of foreign enemies, hostilities (regardless of whether war is declared), civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power or confiscation, terrorist activities, nationalisation, government sanction, blockage, embargo, labour dispute, strike or lockout.
  2. Any training course being cancelled or terminated due to occurrence of an event described in Clause 21 (Force Majeure) will be rescheduled without penalty.

Total Satisfaction Guarantee

  1. Total Car Control guarantees that it will always provide qualified, expert trainers that can genuinely help you. If we fail in this, customers have the right to a full refund of their course fee (within 10 days) if they are in any way dissatisfied with the quality of TCC’s training, providing that they terminate the training no later than 3 hours after the course begins and advise TCC in writing within 72 hours of the reason for termination.

Total Car Control Ltd.  |  Registered in England & Wales Company No. 08087178  |  VAT Reg. No. 135 4819 07 

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