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Dynamic Driving Masterclass
Performance Handling Course Review

Wanted to say thank you for yesterday. It was eye opening, humbling, exhilarating and superb. Having got home and slept on it, I have put more pieces together; starting from the initial exercises on the High G Cornering Circuit onwards, and how to apply it.

Driving around this morning my seating position was better, my speed and smoothness were way better and I felt safer and more in control of the car. I learned a lot and also learned that I have a lot more to learn 😊. I am still stunned at just how good the car is and driving around the alpine course, both as a passenger and driver is up there in my top 3 driving moments. Would like to spend more time doing that with you at some point, so that I can get faster overall and master the banked hairpin and late trail brake downhill into the off camber bend 😊.

M. Harrison

It was eye opening, humbling, exhilarating and superb. Driving around this morning my seating position was better, my speed and smoothness were way better and I felt safer and more in control of the car. I learned a lot and also learned that I have a lot more to learn 😊. I am still stunned at just how good the car is and driving around the alpine course, both as a passenger and driver is up there in my top 3 driving moments.

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